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The 14th Amendment? Are You Kidding Me?
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The liberal anti-Trumpers have resorted to yet another obsolete argument to block Trump from running for office.

Should George Santos Resign?
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There has been a political hue and cry for George Santos to resign his seat as a New York Congressman. But should he?

Net-Zero Carbon: Clever Advertising Ploy or Just More Snake Oil?
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Net-Zero Carbon: Clever Advertising Ploy or Just More Snake Oil?

The October, 2022, issue of Forbes Magazine had a 12 page 'custom advertising section' extolling "The Business of Net-Zero".

net zero climate change carbon emissions
Biden finally said something true -
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Biden: ‘If Republicans win, inflation’s going to get worse’

midterms 2022 Dump the Dems inflation Biden lies deficit debt
We Must Re-Think EV's as a Green Alternative Solution
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As the US Government pushes America into the Green New Deal, we must take a long hard look at where we're going and what the consequences are going to be.

Climate Change Green New Deal EV Hydrocarbons Fossil Fuels National Debt Federal Deficit Alternative Energy
It's time to get on the right track
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Leadership eschews timidity.

Be bold.

Ipsism presents its century long stimulus plan. It will work and it will result in a trillion dollar PER YEAR addition to the US economy. Feel free to use it. Or, come up with something else.

Gaslighting America
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Gaslighting is a term that has relatively recently entered the vernacular. Usually a social concept, gaslighting can be applied to political exchanges, as well.

The corruption is systemic, the FBI NEEDS TO GO
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We hear much of the lack of faith in the FBI. No longer is this FBI the organization portrayed by celebrities like Efrem Zimbalist Jr. in the 1960's and 70's.

FBI Corruption injustice
NO to a Federal Abortion Bill
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Ipsism has become aware that Senator Graham has introduced an Act cited as the ‘‘Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act’’. It's a bad idea.

2020 Retrospective
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All Hail! Vice Chairman Biden

China paid to steal an election
Installed an addled Manchurian President
Won a war without firing a shot
45 was robbed
America is screwed.

Whether you believe the stories about Hunter or not, the evidence
that Joe is compromised in his dealings with Russia and China is indisputable

Did you know
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Do you really follow the science -- or just the concensus?

Science concensus climate environment global warming climate change wealth redistribution hoax
Thoughts on the Mar-a-Lago Raid
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The FBI on August 8, 2022, executed a search warrant at former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort and legal residence in Florida. By law, a search warrant is to be issued by an impartial judge to search for criminal evidence.

Disappointed In You
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With the Left's renewed push for climate based economic control of the world (not an exaggeration) Ipsism has to let you know that Ipsism is disappointed in you  and your lack of understanding even the rudimentary aspects of the true science of the 'climate change' scheme.

environment global warming climate change wealth redistribution hoax
Should A Phishing Attack Spark World War III ?
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The theft of DNC’s John Podesta emails has caused conflagration and national discourse. Allegations of its significance and consequences leading, successively, to what has been determined to be an international incident. This incident of such severity as to cause President Obama to sanction the Russian Government. In 2012, Presidential candidate Romney stated that Russia was the greatest threat to the United States. Will emails roil Romney’s allegation? Could this incident lead to warfare?


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Ipsism Cerebri

The liberal anti-Trumpers have resorted to yet another obsolete argument to block Trump from running for office.


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The 14th Amendment? Are You Kidding Me?

Should George Santos Resign?

Net-Zero Carbon: Clever Advertising Ploy or Just More Snake Oil?

Biden finally said something true -

We Must Re-Think EV's as a Green Alternative Solution

It's time to get on the right track

Gaslighting America

The corruption is systemic, the FBI NEEDS TO GO

NO to a Federal Abortion Bill

2020 Retrospective

Did you know

Thoughts on the Mar-a-Lago Raid

Disappointed In You

Should A Phishing Attack Spark World War III ?


How to End the Threat of Radical Jihadists

Why do they hate us?


Arrested Maturation

Words Matter?

President Barack H. Obama

Obama Lied America Died -- Healthcare

The Smartest Teleprompter in the Universe


Ship of State

Time Flies , Ballaz Bounce

Economic Stimulus

Obama Birth Certificate - FORGET IT!

It's 1976 all over again, only worse.

The Bailout is Just Plain WRONG!

The Bailout

Failed Policies of the Past

Response to Bush Address of 9/24/2008

Failed Policies

You're a racist if you're not a misogynist.

Sarah and the Wizard of O

Carbon Based Reality

The Global Warming Forest

The Electoral College Flunks Out ?

Election Separation

Food Goups

Mel Gibson - Paradigm of World Peace?

Immigration - Guest Worker? Sham!

It`s Time to WIN

Gurlz Can!

Dunce caps and petards

America`s Image

Nobody Listens

Sucking Eggs

Meet the Ballaz

News from 2079

Compassion Kills?

Life for Zacarias Moussaoui - Thanks.

What`s with religion?

A dispassionate look at Global Warming

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Dump da Dems -Let's Go Brandon Put a little kick in his panties! Dump da Dems©
Help Ipsism Cerebri spread the word. Sure to please your favorite conservative before you please your favorite conservative.
Let's Go Brandon

Dump da Dems -Let's Go Brandon Do something with your head - Dump da Dems©
Help Ipsism Cerebri spread the word. Yeah, yeah, Ipsism knows you're great with your little head. Now it's time to do something with the big head. Tell the world you're through with Democratic malaise.
No more sharing the pain. Let America produce and let's share the gain!
Let's Go Brandon

The Big Guy gets half

The Big Guy Gets Half!

While some documents state that the 'Big Guy' gets 10% off the top,
Hunter has complained that he has to give half of his income to his father.
