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It`s Time to WIN
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More important than winning the hearts and minds of the Middle-East is to break the spirit of an eighth century culture thriving on superstition and sophist rhetoric.

Gurlz Can!
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Taneez knows her own feminine power

Dunce caps and petards
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Use of First Amendment rights for slander, rather than to effect social enhancement is inappropriate.

America`s Image
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Politicos try to bully and browbeat with the lament that `America`s Image` is at a new low.

Nobody Listens
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Nate waxes eloquent

Sucking Eggs
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It`s called the wisdom of the ages because the ages have shown certain selections to be the most enduring and therefore best selections for the preservation of a society.

Meet the Ballaz
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Ipsism's own comic strip, `The Ballaz` a common urban family for uncommon times.

News from 2079
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Presidente Jorge Vicente Walker Fox-Bush gave the first inaugural address of The New United States of Amexica, giving his vision of how a unified continent will survive in a one government world.

Compassion Kills?
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Institutional compassion, despite it`s intended good consequences, is often more harmful than beneficial when allowed to progress unchecked. This is particularly true when remote micro-management is imposed.

Life for Zacarias Moussaoui - Thanks.
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First published 26 May 2006

A big THANKS to the jury in the Zacarias Moussaoui trial. Death would have been easy, perhaps even sweet for Moussaoui, anticipating the dozens of virgins that were to be his reward. Now, he will suffer. A slow and mentally tormented death that will take years to affect.
What`s with religion?
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Most of the world`s religions worship the same God. Yet, differences in the way that God is worshiped have caused more human strife, misery and death than any other single cause.

A dispassionate look at Global Warming
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The Kyoto advocates, with a barrage of near-sighted observations, conclude that the Earth is at the verge of doomsday, caused by modern industry. This is a political agenda used to justify a demand for an unearned share of industrial production to promote redistribution of wealth.

environment global warming climate change wealth redistribution hoax

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Ipsism Cerebri

More important than winning the hearts and minds of the Middle-East is to break the spirit of an eighth century culture thriving on superstition and sophist rhetoric.


Taneez knows her own feminine power


Use of First Amendment rights for slander, rather than to effect social enhancement is inappropriate.


Politicos try to bully and browbeat with the lament that `America`s Image` is at a new low.


Nate waxes eloquent


It`s called the wisdom of the ages because the ages have shown certain selections to be the most enduring and therefore best selections for the preservation of a society.


Ipsism's own comic strip, `The Ballaz` a common urban family for uncommon times.


Presidente Jorge Vicente Walker Fox-Bush gave the first inaugural address of The New United States of Amexica, giving his vision of how a unified continent will survive in a one government world.


Institutional compassion, despite it`s intended good consequences, is often more harmful than beneficial when allowed to progress unchecked. This is particularly true when remote micro-management is imposed.


First published 26 May 2006

A big THANKS to the jury in the Zacarias Moussaoui trial. Death would have been easy, perhaps even sweet for Moussaoui, anticipating the dozens of virgins that were to be his reward. Now, he will suffer. A slow and mentally tormented death that will take years to affect.

Most of the world`s religions worship the same God. Yet, differences in the way that God is worshiped have caused more human strife, misery and death than any other single cause.


The Kyoto advocates, with a barrage of near-sighted observations, conclude that the Earth is at the verge of doomsday, caused by modern industry. This is a political agenda used to justify a demand for an unearned share of industrial production to promote redistribution of wealth.

environment global warming climate change wealth redistribution hoax

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The 14th Amendment? Are You Kidding Me?

Should George Santos Resign?

Net-Zero Carbon: Clever Advertising Ploy or Just More Snake Oil?

Biden finally said something true -

We Must Re-Think EV's as a Green Alternative Solution

It's time to get on the right track

Gaslighting America

The corruption is systemic, the FBI NEEDS TO GO

NO to a Federal Abortion Bill

2020 Retrospective

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Should A Phishing Attack Spark World War III ?

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Dump da Dems -Let's Go Brandon Put a little kick in his panties! Dump da Dems©
Help Ipsism Cerebri spread the word. Sure to please your favorite conservative before you please your favorite conservative.
Let's Go Brandon

Dump da Dems -Let's Go Brandon Do something with your head - Dump da Dems©
Help Ipsism Cerebri spread the word. Yeah, yeah, Ipsism knows you're great with your little head. Now it's time to do something with the big head. Tell the world you're through with Democratic malaise.
No more sharing the pain. Let America produce and let's share the gain!
Let's Go Brandon

The Big Guy gets half

The Big Guy Gets Half!

While some documents state that the 'Big Guy' gets 10% off the top,
Hunter has complained that he has to give half of his income to his father.
