Throughout this election cycle, the public has been barraged with less than truthful doublespeak that would do honor to George Orwell's Big Brother of the book 1984. Before you cast your vote, look for the truth, yourself. Don't rely on others to give you answers or make decisions for you. Ultimately, You are responsible for your self, your actions, your family.
Please DON'T vote for the bailout
* This is a problem of liquidity caused by regulations. FIX THE REGULATIONS.
* If the debt papers aren't in default, there's no need for a capital infusion.
* As large a number as $700 BILLION is, it's only the tip of the iceberg. There's up to $80 TTTRILLION in default swap obligations outstanding.
This election cycle will be historic, as they ALL ARE, perhaps more so. The US will have either an Afro-Caucasian President or a female Vice President. But, it will also be historic as to the level of vitriol injected into the process.
Wondering about climate change? See, 'The Global Warmming Forrest' at
The world has been infected with worry over global warming. Dire predictions are the basis that some have used to propose drastic changes in Western life that will result in economic changes that are as dire as climatic changes. Policy makers should examine hard numbers rather than hypotheses before disrupting the world’s economy.
Current discussion of the climate change controversy is hampered by selective use of data and a refusal to examine the controversy in the context of multi-discipline information. Controversy can only be quieted when rational application of multidisciplined knowledge is adopted.
The current electoral process is tedious, frustrating and at times just plain silly. But that's not because of the process, it's because of the players.
Republicans committed infidelity with entitlements, increased spending, and give-aways to the illegals. As a result, voters gave them a trial separation rather than their votes.
Sometimes, the foibles of an individual are applicable to societal segments. They explain causation, justification and solution. By examining man as a model, perhaps society can see its own foibles and seek a true resolution, not a temporary bandaid.
Any temporary or `guest worker` program is a sham. If more labor is needed, raise the immigration quotas and expedite the legal entry of those waiting.
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The 14th Amendment? Are You Kidding Me?
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