From the highest to the lowest levels of Democrats’ lives, they are violent. Regardless of what shi-shi liberals may want to think, the facts are indisputable. If not in personal overt actions, the basic nature of Democrats is to, at least, think violently if not actually carry out violent acts. They are, after all, the party of the KKK.
As David Horowitz (@horowitz39) characterized them,
This solution is not intended for the billions of Muslims who do not bomb and try to kill all in their path. Unfortunately, they will have to suffer the consequences of a resolution to the hatred flowing from their brothers and sisters who have chosen violence.
From the title, you may deduce that this article addresses the handwringing regarding the West's relationship with Muslims.
In these current days of turmoil and unrest, the antagonists of society are using the words and values which we cherish to seduce ordinary people into their 'revolution'. Before you jump onto the revolution bandwagon, you need to understand where you'll be when the bandwagon screeches to a halt...
the left has paused maturation at the level of 15-year-olds. They display a wonderful passion for their position, absolutely convinced that those who disagree are just plain stupid. Unfortunately, ...
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Mr. Obama came under scrutiny by both Republican and Democrat contenders saying that Mr. Obama`s soaring rhetoric had no basis in reality ...
You were warned,
You chose him anyway,
Don`t blame Ipsism Cerebri
Mr. Obama has said that all spending is stimulus. Then, why is spending on health care not a good thing?
The Teleprompter that Barack doesn't want you to read. And, you'll refuse to believe it when you do read.
Franklin Roosevelt declared that the day on which Pearl Harbor was attacked would be a day that, "lives in infamy". While the recent AIG bonus debacle cannot be isolated to a single date, it will certainly be an episode that will live in shame.
Why not? It makes as much sense as anything else, these days.
We are being overwhelmed with economic buzzwords to obscure the fact that no one knows what to do about the economy. -- Though the economy is complex, we must return to fundamentals in order to restore its vitality.
You have only to read a few of the Ipsism posts to realize that Ipsism is not a fan of Obama. But, the current controversy over Obama's birth certificate is a non-starter and should be dropped, as a waste of time.
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The 14th Amendment? Are You Kidding Me?
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