THE BALLAZ Grampa Nate Talks. ![]() Click to Enlarge |
The 14th Amendment? Are You Kidding Me?
Net-Zero Carbon: Clever Advertising Ploy or Just More Snake Oil?
Biden finally said something true -
We Must Re-Think EV's as a Green Alternative Solution
It's time to get on the right track
The corruption is systemic, the FBI NEEDS TO GO
Thoughts on the Mar-a-Lago Raid
Should A Phishing Attack Spark World War III ?
How to End the Threat of Radical Jihadists
Obama Lied America Died -- Healthcare
The Smartest Teleprompter in the Universe
Obama Birth Certificate - FORGET IT!
It's 1976 all over again, only worse.
The Bailout is Just Plain WRONG!
You're a racist if you're not a misogynist.
The Electoral College Flunks Out ?
Mel Gibson - Paradigm of World Peace?
Immigration - Guest Worker? Sham!
Life for Zacarias Moussaoui - Thanks.
A dispassionate look at Global Warming