Hillary supporters break out windows and torching buildings with fire bombs in the days after election results announced.
Hillary Clinton asked "Can't we just drone this guy?" ... she wanted to drone strike Julian Assange
Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: We came, we saw, he died
Barack Obama met with the organizer of violent Democratic protests (against Trump and republicans) almost 50 times and while it's possible that they spoke of 'grandchildren, yoga and Chelsea's wedding', it's more likely that Obama was giving advice on violent political disruptions.
Even Vice President Joe Biden recently said that he wanted to beat Trump – and was wildly cheered by the Democrats he was addressing.
Of course, the mainstream media (MSM) condemned Trump's reply that he might enjoy Biden trying to beat him up as Trump threatening Biden. Typical MSM crooked reporting of anyone's response to a Democrat's bullying. As if Biden would ever threaten like this if not ensconced behind a microphone and a contingent of armed Secret Service agents. Who couldn't bully when protected so well from retribution?
Justice Sonia Sotomayor said “There are things he’s said on the bench where if I had a baseball bat, I might have used it.”
Once Democratic presidential hopeful, the REVEREND Jesse Jackson said that he would like to “..cut his NUTS off,” referring to now president Barack Obama.
The REVEREND Al Sharpton, after completing his confinement for MURDER, infamously promoted the Tawana Brawley hoax, inflamed racial tensions with scurrilous lies and was found guilty of defamation in a lawsuit brought by prosecutor Steven Pagones. REVEREND Al went on to be a key player inflaming the 1991 Crown Heights riots which led to the mob murder of a Jewish student visiting from Australia. REVEREND Al led protesters where several bystanders were shot, and a fire was started killing seven more. The Democratic Party allowed Sharpton to appear in the presidential debates of 2004. No one challenged Sharpton on his resume of hate. One can only surmise that Democrats felt that Sharpton’s violent conduct was perfectly acceptable in a DEMOCRATIC presidential primary.
Sen. Ted Cruz opined during an interview with Hugh Hewitt :
"You know, every time you have some sort of violent crime or mass killing, you can almost see the media salivating, hoping, hoping desperately that the murderer happens to be a Republican so they can use it to try to paint their political enemies. Now listen, here’s the simple and undeniable fact. The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats. The media doesn’t report that."
FactCheck.org challenged that Sen. Ted Cruz misrepresented the statistics but had to admit "it is certainly the case (among ex-felons) that there are likely more individuals who would identify as Democrats rather than would identify as Republicans.”
Recent mass shooters / stabbers / attackers while not conclusively registered Democrats were almost certainly not registered Republicans.
And. recent Trump protestors show that - Democrats STOMP Police Cars.. Incite VIOLENCE.. Light FIRES.. Shoot "Cops".
Twitter has had an abundance of death threats and calls for the assassination of President Elect and, now, President Trump.
At President Trump's inauguration, over 200 people were arrested for criminal rioting -- a felony with more than a ten year sentence possible. And, while mainstream media tried to portray democratic protestors as 'largely peaceful', they downplay the physical attacks by Democrats against Trump supporters. Some of the reports show the cowardice of the Democrat protestors, for example, several people were attacked from behind with reported 'flagpoles'. One victim was reported as requiring 21 stitches to his scalp. The criminal rioting at the inauguration included store-front windows being broken and fires started.
FROM FRONTPAGE MAG http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/174003/gun-violence-not-republican-problem-its-democratic-daniel-greenfield Areas that have been ran predominately by Democrats for more than 40 years (Chicago, Detroit etc) also have the highest murder rates and the highest unemployment rates. |
GUN VIOLENCE IS NOT A REPUBLICAN PROBLEM, IT’S A DEMOCRATIC PROBLEM Obama’s America is broken, the rest of the country isn’t. January 17, 2013 Daniel Greenfield Forget Wal-Mart and skip your local gun show. The murderers of tomorrow will not be found wearing orange vests at your local sporting goods store. They won't have NRA memberships or trophies on their walls. You won't find them in America. Look for them in Obamerica. 67% of firearm murders took place in the country's 50 largest metro areas. The 62 cities in those metro areas have a firearm murder rate of 9.7, more than twice the national average. Among teenagers the firearm murder rate is 14.6 or almost three times the national average. Those are the crowded cities of Obamerica. Those are the places with the most restrictive gun control laws and the highest crime rates. And many of them have been run by Democrats and their political machines for almost as long as they have been broken. |
Violent Liberal Who Destroyed Trump’s HOLLYWOOD STAR Charged With a FELONY Culture By Amy Moreno November 18, 2016 TRUTHFEED URL The entitled, violent liberal who destroyed Donald Trump’s Hollywood Star has been charged with felony vandalism. After this rich, spoiled, entitled liberal destroyed Trump’s star, a HOMELESS black woman guarded the spot, until she was beaten by more violent and cruel liberals. From Fox News: "Authorities say a man who used a pickaxe and a sledgehammer to smash Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has been charged with felony vandalism. The Los Angeles County District attorney said the charge was filed Thursday against 52-year-old James Otis. He faces a maximum penalty of three years in jail." |
Really, given the nature and history of Democrats, is there any reason to believe the feigned outrage over Donald Trump's speech?
And, is there any doubt that the Democrats would rig an election to win?
Election Day & after:
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FROM http://louderwithcrowder.com/liberals-inauguration-destroying-businesses/
In the mean time, here’s a brief recap of their hateful antics in the past month alone…
Fascist #DisruptJ20 Protesters BLOCKING People from Inauguration…
LOVE TRUMPS HATE: Liberal Protesters Get Violent at DeploraBall. Attack Police, Attendees…
EXPOSED: Project Veritas Uncovers Violent Liberal Plots Against Trump Inauguration Events
Yay Tolerance! Andrea Bocelli Backs Out of Inauguration Due to Death Threats
Liberals Plan ‘Freedom Concert’ to Silence Trump Inauguration…
Doc Thompson Verified account 10:52 AM - 20 Jan 2017
#BREAKING Anti-Trump protesters are now smashing windows on the streets of Washington.
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FROM http://louderwithcrowder.com/anti-trump-protesters-kid/
LOVE TRUMPS HATE: Liberal Protesters Get Violent at DeploraBall. Attack Police, Attendees…
Breaking911 @Breaking911 10:27 PM - 19 Jan 2017
Anti-Trump protesters are now chanting 'f**k the police' and 'anarchy now' outside of the #DeploraBall.
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David A. Clarke, Jr. @SheriffClarke 8:13 AM - 20 Jan 2017
Stopped at this event to speak. These rat bastard agitators threw eggs & other projectiles at police & attendees. https://apple.news/ArPbykKNGT4WNyqtVjPz-dw …
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The 14th Amendment? Are You Kidding Me?
Net-Zero Carbon: Clever Advertising Ploy or Just More Snake Oil?
Biden finally said something true -
We Must Re-Think EV's as a Green Alternative Solution
It's time to get on the right track
The corruption is systemic, the FBI NEEDS TO GO
Thoughts on the Mar-a-Lago Raid
Should A Phishing Attack Spark World War III ?
How to End the Threat of Radical Jihadists
Obama Lied America Died -- Healthcare
The Smartest Teleprompter in the Universe
Obama Birth Certificate - FORGET IT!
It's 1976 all over again, only worse.
The Bailout is Just Plain WRONG!
You're a racist if you're not a misogynist.
The Electoral College Flunks Out ?
Mel Gibson - Paradigm of World Peace?
Immigration - Guest Worker? Sham!
Life for Zacarias Moussaoui - Thanks.
A dispassionate look at Global Warming